Mastersoft Mobile Solutions SuDoku

Sudoku game that includes more than 1 million puzzles.


Jump on board with the New World Craze Puzzle Sensation. Not since Tetris and the Rubik Cube has there been anything like it.

Simply enter the digits 1 to 9 in the grid without repeating in rows, columns or boxes. Easy. How hard can it be?

Enter a SuDoku from a newspaper then either solve or play (using inbuilt hints if required). Mastersoft SuDoku tells you where you're going wrong even if it isn't an inbuilt SuDoku.

Features: Over One Million Built In Genuine SuDoku Puzzles. Many Unique Mastersoft Features including Picture Sudoku and Grid Transform.
This is the Desktop version for Windows XP and Vista. Pocket PC and Windows Mobile versions also available.

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